The Non-Negotiable Marketing Strategy That’s Made us Millions
Ever wished you could get an insider look at a successful marketing strategy that’s made millions? Tired of figuring out what you should focus on and when in order to drive growth and scale your business?
I’m keeping it real and giving you an unscripted look at the non-negotiable marketing strategy that has made us millions and can be done in just an hour a day
On this episode inside the Business Real Talk, Nas talks about:
- How to create consistent awareness and visibility in your business (WITHOUT running ads)
- Creating the relationships and connection that drives sales and grows your message
- Our 2 layer demand generation strategy for generating hundreds of leads and creating weekly conversions
If you want to learn more how to get leads that sell themselves using the Easy Yes Method, please join our Facebook Group at the Next Level Female CEO’s.
And if you want to fast track your success, book a Growth Optimization Call here.
Hey, it's Nas!
Business Real Talk Transcript:
Have you ever wanted to see inside of those successful businesses that you see online and see what they’re actually doing within their marketing in order to be able to grow? What if I could show you inside of my business, unscripted, allowing you to see the non negotiables of our marketing strategy that have allowed us to make millions.
So let’s get real.
The Backstory: From Corporate to Entrepreneurship
Now I want to give you a quick backstory because I think it’s important to understand where things started in order for you to understand how we got to where we are today, which is making millions within this business, 20 hours a week. It wasn’t always this easy, but I do want to be clear that we all start with the same 24 hours in a day.
I think that. One of the biggest misconceptions in business is that certain businesses have this leg up. Now I had a background in marketing. I left a successful marketing career. When I had a baby that was just two months old and I had not prepared at all to start a business. Let me be very clear about that.
And I left working for a corporation where I wasn’t responsible for bringing in clients. I was responsible for nurturing them and, and helping support in, in that process. But. Not in the bottom line of, am I going to pay mortgage next month or how am I going to feed my kids? And being the breadwinner, I left and my husband and I took on that huge risk of trying to figure out what we were doing.
So, long story short, I took a 10 an hour freelancing opportunity where I was doing social media marketing for a woman who was very belittling and treated me like I knew nothing, even though I had years of experience in marketing. And fast forward a few years where I made some big decisions that were scary, like firing the clients that I had, working with a, an industry that I was completely unfamiliar with, from roofing to sandwich shops.
I mean, everything that you can think of, I was doing and I was doing all of that while. Nursing a two month old baby and then having another child and another child doing all of that without a nanny, without any type of support and kind of just figuring it out on my own. And the reality was it was tough.
Like it was a difficult thing, not only for my ego to come to terms with the fact that I really knew a lot less about. marketing when it came to the direct effect of getting clients, but also that I was nobody. I was really starting fresh. And when I brought my business online six years ago, I knew that time was my biggest, enemy.
I had very little time when I was raising three kids. And what that meant is that I got really intentional with my time. It meant that I was working between nap times and bedtimes with a child nursing on my lap and barely getting any sleep at all. And I understood that I had to be able to leverage my time efficiently.
The Mistakes in Growing a Business
And I think this is the biggest mistake so many businesses make when it comes to growing a successful business. Is they start maybe with an ample amount of time and spending it like they have so much of it, but when you’re a mom and just a business owner, maybe running your business on the side of your corporate career, you realize that time is your most valuable resource and you have to use it accordingly.
And what I realized really quickly was that oftentimes I was focusing on the wrong things when it came to growing my business. I’ll be honest with you. I had dozens and dozens of free lead magnets. I’m talking about checklists and workbooks and everything you could possibly think of. I had created because that was what was being exemplified in front of me.
Everyone else was doing that. And I was getting people on my email list, but I had no clue what to do with them once they were there. I felt so disjointed. It felt like I was doing a lot of work with very little payoff. Now, fast forward a few years when I realized that what the hell was I doing? I had built a group with thousands of people, an email list with thousands of people.
I was barely making any sales. And what I realized really quickly was that I was focusing on the wrong things in order to create the results I want, which was bringing in more clients, getting my name out there, being recognized and known. And so I completely did a 180 in my business and focused on just three things.
And to this day, I want to be clear, I am not someone who batch creates content. I create content on the fly. If you’re seeing this, I probably recorded it the same day that it went out, if not the day before. I am the person who’s writing all of my content. I don’t have a content writer or copywriter.
I write everything from my sales pages to my emails, to everything else that goes out there. I am doing this, but I’m doing it in a way that works for me. So I want to be very clear. Well, I teach systems and strategies. I also teach my clients to take those systems and strategies and understand what’s going to work for them.
None of my clients come in and just replicate what I’m doing. I’m not a coach. That’s not what I do. And you’ll hear me talk a lot about this, but that’s the big. Bone I have to pick with the coaching industry is that it is very difficult to replicate someone else’s strategy because we are all individuals.
We all have a very unique lifestyle, our goals, all of those things, and trying to replicate someone else’s strategy is very difficult. Now there are core foundational elements that are present in every strategy, and that’s what I focus on is teaching people these core principles and then developing and identifying their unique strategies.
The Misconceptions in the Coaching Industry
Now, all of that to say what I want to talk to you about here today and why I’m giving you all of that backstory is for you to understand that we’re all in this same journey. We’re all going through this and it comes down to really recognizing that there are non negotiables in business. Whether I’m sick, whether I have children who are sick, whether I am not in it, I don’t feel good or I don’t feel like I want to show up in my business today, I show up.
There is a huge difference between business owners who are treating their business as if it’s. A side gig is something that they’ll do when they have time or when they feel energetically aligned or any of those things versus the people who are running very successful businesses who understand at the core of that is that there are non negotiables that have to happen within the business.
And what I want to share with you here today are my non negotiables. So that whether, hell or high water come around, these are things I’m doing within my marketing strategy. That are allowing me to make multiple millions within my business and allowing me to do so while enjoying my life, being with my children, coaching my kids, soccer, all of that jazz.
The Importance of Awareness and Visibility in Business
So I’m going to break down these three core things that no matter what, I always, always commit my time to every single week. And to be clear, I have literally done this in two hours a day for the last decade. plus time. And these are things I still are principles I apply every single day. And most of them are things that you probably aren’t doing or aren’t doing in a way that’s methodical or strategic.
So let’s start with number one, which is awareness and visibility. The reality is your business needs to be able to get in front of new people consistently. Okay. That means that you need new people, new eyeballs on your business. Every day, every week. And often times, when I ask people, How are you getting in front of new people?
They’ll say something like, Oh, you know, I’m posting in my Facebook group, I’m posting on my profile. And those are great. But, the reality is, those are more nurture strategies than they are visibility and awareness strategies. When we want to get in front of new people, That means that we need to know that there’s new people in that space.
So if you’re marketing to your existing Facebook group, that’s not new people. It’s not getting in front of new people. And this is a huge misconception, which I didn’t realize, which was a big misconception is that that is not a strategy for awareness. And a lot of times when people feel frustrated and stuck and like their business is stagnant, it’s most likely because they don’t have awareness and visibility strategy in place.
Now, your awareness and visibility strategy can be so freaking simple, and I’m going to tell you what I actually do as my awareness and visibility strategy. We started this business by actually leveraging just other Facebook groups, other people’s audiences. So I tell my clients all the time, other people’s audiences are your fastest pathway to creating massive visibility and awareness with the least amount of resources necessary. That means time, effort, energy, and money, right? So when I first started in my business, I was leveraging people’s Facebook groups podcast, guesting, all of that stuff. Now we focus on leveraging paid Facebook communities. These are communities that have a opportunity to pay for a membership where you’re actually able to share content and promote.
This is huge for us. And we’ve been able to get in front of millions of people and new audiences. with barely any spend. So instead of doing ads, we actually originally started out just by spending 100 to 150 a month on membership into these different groups that allowed us to create awareness and visibility.
I want to be clear. These are all different pieces of the puzzle and strategies that all are required. So it’s not pick one and run with it. It’s that you need all three of these strategies. So when it comes to awareness and visibility, it’s how are we getting in front of new audiences? A lot of times people will be like, I’m posting on Instagram.
I’m like, that’s great. But awareness and visibility on Instagram is predominantly going to be done through reels. It’s not going to be through your stories. Your stories isn’t going to be how you nurture. A lot of people don’t understand, and this is the tactical element, of how we get in front of new people.
You need a way to consistently get in front of new people. Other people’s audiences are an amazing opportunity. I tell people, understand the modality that you work best in. If you’re someone who loves podcasts, go guest on other people’s podcasts. Great way to get visible. If you’re someone who loves writing content, social media written content on any platform as well as writing blogs.
I had a client who literally built her entire business just by doing guest blogging. So understanding where you’re going to be creating awareness and visibility is hugely important, but more important is what you’re going to do with that awareness and visibility. So remember at the beginning of this episode, I shared with you that I was creating lead magnets and driving people to my Facebook group and to my email list.
That was great, but They were just sitting there. So it was like a parking lot. And I see this a lot. I had a client who came to me. She had 15, 000 people on her list and she was not converting any of them because she had focused so much on awareness and visibility that she hadn’t understood how to actually convert that.
So we’re gonna talk about that next, but I just want to be clear that we want to look at it holistically. So, you know, that each piece of the puzzle builds upon the next. So my non negotiable when it comes to awareness and visibility is that. We take the content we’ve created, which again, I create just three to four pieces of content that are very strategic.
They follow our one touch content system, which really again, mimics natural decision making, but we take those three pieces of content and share them in outside groups. So this allows us to create new visibility, new awareness with people every single week. So we have new people coming into our space and are meeting me for the first time.
That is what we do. So no matter what, come hell or high water, I will always take the content, even if it’s past content. Let’s say I don’t feel like creating content that week, which never actually happens. But if I were to do that, I would still share my content and other people’s audiences so that I’m consistently driving awareness and visibility.
This is also, I will tell you, I have been in some huge high ticket programs that teach ad marketing and all that great stuff. And all of that is amazing. I think it’s really important to have a awareness and visibility strategy organically as well. And a lot of people who are scaling businesses do not understand this concept and it’s something we have honed in on so well to create massive awareness and visibility without needing so much input, so much content, so much time, et cetera.
I think it’s really important for you to understand that. So that’s number one is our awareness and visibility for us. Our strategy has always been sharing our content in outside sources outside other people’s audiences. You can select what works best for you.
The Importance of Relationships and Connections in Business
Number two is relationships and connections.
So relationships and connections are always like that nurture, right? That’s where we’re really Being able to create so much opportunity because there are so much money being left on the table because people do not understand how to leverage relationships and connection. And I’m going to give you a huge unpopular opinion.
I see a lot of salespeople who teach sales and it’s not really built for people like you and I who maybe aren’t great at sales. Like salespeople are inherently just very good at striking up conversations and hearing no a lot, and not all of us are built that way. And yes, it’s a muscle we can continue to grow and build upon.
But I also think it’s really important to realize that building relationships doesn’t need to be done in a way that does not feel good to you. So for us I want to be clear, we don’t use cold DMs. Like, I just do not cold DM people and ask them to buy my services. I do not cold DM people and say, do you want to join?
My program or my Facebook group or a workshop. I just don’t operate that well. It’s very uncomfortable for me. Could I get better at it? Yeah. Is it necessary in order to grow a business? Absolutely not. Okay. And for us, what we do instead is we develop relationships. So we absolutely are networking and friend requesting and bringing people in who are interacting with us, but at no given point, and am I sending out a message to them?
Making an offer, pitching anything. The goal here is that I really am genuinely creating relationships. And I think this is one of those things that people overlook and they don’t realize, like, I know we’re in the business of, and we want to create growth, but ultimately it’s how well can you make relationships?
How well can you connect with people? And in a way that’s. That’s going to leave a mark. That’s going to get people to think about you. When I’m developing relationships with people, I’m being authentic. I’m being who I am. I’m willing to shake shit up and say things that maybe not everyone likes to say when I’m developing a relationship.
I’m also very cautious. Like I, I pissed a woman off last week and I’ll be totally honest with you. I pissed her off because. I didn’t pitch her in the DMs and it would be very easy for me to run and hide. I’m someone who likes to avoid those situations. But instead, I chose to apologize that she felt that way and really come to her and share my perspective.
And I don’t even care if that woman ever becomes a client of mine. What it does is it allows people to truly understand who you are. And more importantly, your reputation is going to precede everything that you do. So the connections we build, the relationships we create. are ultimately going to drive how successful our business is going to be.
And I’ve seen people who have been wildly successful at creating awareness strategies and running ads and they’re hit at relationships. And ultimately their business hasn’t been able to make it for the long haul because they’re catfishing people. They’re bringing people in and not being able to support them.
So. I really tell people building relationships should be something you’re doing every single day. I don’t care if it’s for 30 minutes a day. This is something that we did a lot of when I first started my business was building relationships and spending just 30 minutes a day connecting with people. This can be done through what I call reactive content, which is reacting to people who are posting content.
This could be something that’s actually useful to you, meaning you sharing your insights and your perspective. But it can also just be you supporting them and cheering them on. Like that is a huge part of this fricking business model that we are skipping over. Another thing I failed to mention when we talked about awareness and visibility is that while right now we use what we call proactive content, which is sharing content in other spaces per dot in the beginning, I focused on reactive because reactive content is a lot easier, especially if you haven’t nailed your message, because you’re essentially acting.
As you would in a conversation, so it’s pretty much responding to people in Facebook groups or on Reddit or on Quora’s or having open conversations and networking groups where you’re responding. And from there, you’re going to hone your messaging automatically. But more importantly, it still allows you to showcase your expertise, your authority and be able to really still create visibility and awareness.
Keep that in mind that if you struggle and you don’t have a message that’s been nailed yet, you don’t feel like you’re being very clear and it’s frustrating because nobody wants to put time and energy into something that doesn’t reciprocate that back. Really creating reactive content is huge guys, both in relationships, building awareness and visibility.
Don’t overlook it. It’s one of the things I tell my clients if they’re struggling a little bit to like, really hone in on their message. Sometimes I tell them just spend a little bit of time doing reactive content and you will see that from there you’re going to be able to identify so many opportunities, really hone your message craft your voice and all of that.
So, for us, when it comes to relationships and connections, I spend time every single day responding to people who are inbound into RDM, so our process is all inbound, we’re focusing on inbound conversations. So, we’re responding to people who are creating inbound conversations we’re connecting with people through comments, etc.
It’s the basics. Like, I want to be clear, when we begin to scale, we do the basics better. Like, I don’t think a lot of people understand it. And yes, there’s strategy and methodology that isn’t everything I’m going to go into today because there’s more that goes into it, like our mimic decision making and all that.
There’s a lot of that goes into it. But at the baseline, I want you to understand these are my non negotiables. So relationships and connections, I spend time every single day 30 minutes, 60 minutes, somewhere in that timeline building relationships and creating connection and literally as simple as responding to people’s inbound DMs based on the next step that I’m going to talk to you about.
But also just commenting on other people’s content sharing my insights. When I friend request someone saying I’m so glad to be connected with you, like keeping it really freaking simple. I let my content do the rest, which is what I’m going to talk about in demand generation.
So the first two things we talked about awareness and visibility, relationships and connection.
The Importance of Demand Generation in Business
Next, I’m going to talk about demand generation. Demand generation is by far the hardest. I’m going to be totally upfront and honest with you, and I don’t mean difficult like it takes a lot of time. It is the one that requires the most amount of strategy.
So awareness and visibility, relationships and connection, to me those are all things that are very inherent. We do very well instinctually, and don’t require a lot of preparation. Demand generation. Requires preparation, requires strategy and all of that. So when it comes to demand generation, this is how do we create demand with both cold and warm audiences?
That’s the way I look at it. So a lot of people focus just on cold audiences. And we’re talking about why that’s. That’s probably one of the biggest mistakes you could be making, but I also want to explain what the difference is. So when we talk about demand generation with cold audiences, this means people who have never been introduced to you yet.
These are people who are brand new to you, don’t know who you are, etc. So we mentioned before that part of our visibility and awareness strategy is that we are leveraging other people’s audiences. And one of the things that I said, I mentioned, I pay. To be able to promote in some of these communities is that it allows me to get in front of cold audiences and generate demand.
So we have a very powerful two step that generates hundreds of leads every single week with people who have never met me before. This allows me to bring cold audiences into my world. And this is probably one of the most untapped opportunities that when I shared with people who run paid ads only in a huge paid community.
They were blown away because you can create demand with cold audiences at scale if you understand this process. So two steps are my favorite way of generating demand, both in cold and warm audiences. Now the strategies differ slightly depending on cold or warm audiences, meaning not only The messaging we use to drive people in, but also in what happens once they’re in there.
Okay. And I’m going to break down for you what I mean by that. But like I said, we have both cold and warm. So cold is again, people who are brand new. I’ve never been introduced to me. They’re like, who the hell is Nas? What is NextLevelUpCEO? What’s Easy Yes Method? All that stuff. They don’t know who I am.
They’re being introduced to me. We’re creating lead and demand generation from that. These people are coming into my bingeable sales system. So they come into my world. They go directly into my bingeable sales system. The reason why is because we are automating that first step of conversions, because we understand that there are phases.
Of how you’re really growing and depending on what program people join when they work with me, we teach different phases of this because it’s always phase one is getting people to talk back to you. Phase 2 is being able to have inbound people coming into your teams and phase 3 is automating that process.
It does not work. You cannot jump to number three, if you haven’t done number one or number two, because it just doesn’t work. So it’s really important to understand that and recognize that those are the phases and that’s what allows us to create the highest conversions possible. And not letting things slip through the crack.
So when it comes to cold generation for us right now in my business, I can post a piece of content, a singular piece of content, generate hundreds of leads that come in. through our bingeable sales system, and then that essentially segments and moves people to the next step. So that means once people have gone through my bingeable sales system, they either say automatically, yes, I’m ready.
Move to the next step, book a call, become a client. Okay. If they do not do that, I don’t just let them sit on an email list. Or in my world, this is the biggest mistake people make and it drives me freaking crazy because you’re essentially creating a parking lot of leads and churning through leads and churning through leads is really expensive.
It doesn’t mean, I don’t just mean in like, money. Yes. It’s expensive because think about how many leads that you have on your list that you are paying for. That is spots that I am paying for, for you to be on my active campaign. That’s the way I look at it, right? It’s also spent time that you’re taking up in my world because I am marketing to you in hopes that you now convert.
So I’m looking at it from a standpoint of when somebody enters my world, I’m not going to just churn through and gosh, they didn’t buy from me. I’m going to let them sit on my list or sit in my world. And eventually if I market the same thing over and over again, they’re going to buy from me, which is something I see so often with like live launching.
Webinars, all these kinds of things that a lot of people teach. They’re teaching you to churn through those same leads. And it’s almost, it’s like the definition of insanity. We’re doing the same thing over and over again, hoping that it creates a different result, which is marketing the same thing over and over again.
We do not do this. We focus on cold lead generation, which means we bring people in. We allow to us to be able to segment those people who are yes, ready to go. They book a call. They become a client. Those who are not ready, then get placed into our second system, which is our warm demand generation system.
I also talk about this. It’s called my OneTouch content system. What it does is once somebody’s into my world and I know they understand the basis of my methodology, now what I need to understand is that the reason they haven’t purchased so far is either because I haven’t built enough trust I haven’t spoken to their trigger or they have fears, right?
I understand that those are the three biggest reasons that people don’t buy. And as a result, what we do is our OneTouch content system creates a warm process. For us to create weekly client acquisitions. So people can raise their hand every single week. So while we use cold two steps, which are really freaking powerful that we use for, like we said, those paid groups, et cetera that allows us to bring cold once they’re in our world.
We need to create a hand raising opportunity every single week. We cannot just expect that we put out content and eventually they’ll be like, yeah, yeah, I’m ready. That’s not how it works. We have to create demand generation, right? That’s inbound demand is what I want to create. So once someone enters into our world, I essentially leverage three to four pieces of content a week that specifically move them through the decision making process, it mimics their decisions and creates a end result at the end of the week where they can raise their hands.
So you’ve been in my world. You’ve seen me do this. I literally practice what I preach. It’s exactly what I teach. And the reason why is because it works. It works to mimic people’s decisions. It works for you to understand that everyone has different trigger points. It works for you to understand that we need to speak to their desires and help connect that to their results.
And it works for you to recognize Then everybody’s human and we have to understand what they need in order to purchase. And so our content system is by and far the most incredible content system you’ll ever see. There’s nothing else out there because it mimics those natural decisions and creates weekly.
Space for people to raise their hands. So not only am I creating new leads coming in from cold, but what I’m also doing is once people are in my world, I’m creating warm demand generation where people are raising their hand every single week and saying, I’m ready to take the next step with you. So I’m able to layer those two things and create massive success with my business, highest possible profit margins, because I understand and recognize speaking , to those two layers and those two different levels of intent, as you’ve heard me.
Quick Recap about the episode
So quick recap, awareness or visibility is always number one. Number two is relationships and connections and making time for that. Number three is demand generation, having cold and warm. Now, what I want to share with you guys is I don’t typically do this, but we have some mini courses that actually go over the vast majority of what I’ve shared with you here today, these are the basics, but also.
it’s really perfecting those basics. So when it comes to demand generation, we have our lead flood workshop that actually teaches you how to create two steps, which are that main component of both cold and warm and generating demand into that. So that’s where we flood workshop. And then we have clients on autopilot that actually teaches you how to leverage those relationships within sales conversations so that they do naturally move to the next.
And then lastly, as the awareness and visibility, we have our entire process behind this. And these are all done in mini courses. So if you’ve been sitting on the sidelines, and maybe you’ve been fearful, maybe you’ve been like, gosh, Nas, I’m working with a coach right now, and I just am tapped out in time or, or financially.
Next Steps
I would love to invite you to take these next steps and be able to look at how to generate demand through what we call our lead flood workshop how to develop those relationships and connections through our clients on autopilot and how to develop visibility through our visibility strategy. And if that’s something you want to learn about, I would love for you to send me a DM over on Instagram @NextLevelUpCEO or on Facebook at Nas Echeverria if you want to find me there.
Send me a message that just says demand. That way I know what you’re, you’re looking for. And I’ll send you over the link so that you can grab these. You can also go over to nextlevelupceo. com head on over to our work with me page, and you can check out these courses there as well for you to go ahead and purchase right there.
But again, what I want you to be able to walk away with is there are non negotiables to my marketing every single week. There are non negotiables to my growth that I do every single week, and it doesn’t need to be complicated. It is literally as simple as that. Now, there are strategies and methods that I didn’t go into details of, but I wanted to kind of give you the top level.
We’re trying something a little bit different. I’m giving you the unscripted look at what I’m doing. But if you want to learn more about how we actually develop the systems that all work together and automating all of those systems, which is what I talked about is that next level I want to invite you to book a call with me.
If you haven’t noticed, I will totally keep it 100. I’ll keep it real for you and share with you exactly where I see your biggest opportunities are, which means when we get on a call. Whether you choose to work with me or not, I will diagnose for you where your broken piece in the business is. So you will be able to walk away, and I’ve had clients walk away from calls with me and literally be like, Oh my gosh, Nas, I took what you said and I was able to book clients and it’s totally changed how I’m doing business.
That is my goal is that you walk away from that call and you have massive clarity. And of course, eventually you want to work with me if you’re not working with me directly right now. And if I see the opportunity where we can help you right now, and I truly believe that we can drive results for you and your business, I’ll share with you how our Easy Yes Method works and how we can apply it.
If you want to book your Growth Optimizer Call with me directly, head on over to to book your call right now. But I’d love to hear from you if this was helpful, if you enjoyed this week’s episode, if you’d like to see more unscripted opportunities where we kind of just keep it real and get down and dirty on things. So send me over a message on Facebook, on Instagram, TikTok, wherever you’re at. I want to hear from you.
As always, we appreciate when you like share and subscribe this episode on the business real talk.
But until next time, here’s to keeping it real.
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Hey, it's Nas!
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